
Cervicalgia Disorder: Signs, Causes and Treatment

Neck pain is a common problem familiar to many in today's society. Do not think that such a condition is typical only for older people - it is people who are experiencing the heyday of physical activity that suffer more often. And it is quite understandable that this provokes a decrease in a person's functional capabilities, as it affects his professional and everyday activities. Let’s also consider how to treat this problem and whether it is possible to get rid of it forever. Stay - it will be interesting and informative! Symptoms In addition to constant pain in the neck, patients with cervicalgia are accompanied by the following accompanying symptoms: Dizziness, loss of consciousness - occurs as a result of narrowing of the blood vessels, which causes a decrease in the amount of oxygen entering the brain; Numbness of the neck, back, arms; Nausea with vomiting; Feeling not well; "Goose bumps" on the back; Burning sensation in hands